måndag 26 maj 2014

Gatukonst av Nathalie

Vi har arbetat med gatukonst i Adobe Photoshop på våra datorer.

Först tänkte jag på vad jag skulle ha för bakgrund. Vår lärare föreslog något som såg tråkigt ut, som en grå byggnad eller något liknande. Jag kom på idén att göra något på skolan, för den ser så tråkig ut. Jag kom sen på idén att det skulle vara en liten gubbe som höll på att måla skolan i fina färger.
Så sen fick vi gå ut och fota bakgrunder. Då tog jag ett kort på en vanlig neutral vägg på skolan.
Sen började jag skissa på min bild. Clara kom på idén att jag skulle måla en gubbe som gick under stegen och eftersom det betyder otur så skulle en målarburk falla emot honom. Då händer det något i bilden och det är lite roligt.
Sen tog jag kort på min bild jag målat och förde in den i datorn tillsammans med min bakgrund.
Sen var det dags att börja pilla ihop det hela. Jag färglade stegen och de målade brickorna i datorn och fixade konturer. Det var lite pillit men det blev rätt så bra.
Och resultatet på det hela ser du på bilden ovan.

Detta var en rolig uppgift och jag blev nöjd med resultatet.

tisdag 6 maj 2014

My thoughts about ww2

A lot of thoughts has been brought up in my head after all this that we’ve seen and listened to about the world war two. I’ve started to think more about how to treat people. To respect them for who they are because during that war a lot of people got killed for being different. I think that what happened was terrible. I hope nothing like that happens ever again. I can’t really understand how anybody can be as heartless as Hitler and the people who followed him. But one thing that makes me even more disappointed isn’t just that Hitler was such a terrible person, it is that people actually agreed with him! And it wasn’t just like 10 people it was hundreds and thousands! 
But I’m really happy that there were people who stood up for what they thought and that they actually tried to help the Jews and all the other people who suffered from everything during the world war two. 

tisdag 29 april 2014

Sentences from Anne frank by Nathalie and Moa

Can you fetch the rake in the annexe for me please?
I heard something from the attic and I think it was a big, fat rat. 
I’m going to the warehouse to buy some cucumber, see you later aligator!  
Many people died in the concentration camps during world war 2. 
I was downtown this morning and I got a ration book from a really nice woman. 
Tomorrow I’m going to buy a pink bookcase with yellow flowers on it and put it in the living room.
I’m going to store the big watermelon into the top of the fridge.
Did you buy the store with umbrellas and lollipops, are you crazy? 

tisdag 22 april 2014

English sentences

”Can you pass me that blanket, please. It’s in my closet
”Why didn’t you reveal this to me earlier, I had the right to know!”
I was almost at the point of crying when a man came and told me I had got evicted  
During my shower I noticed that somebody was standing in my garden. 
”This is only a current situation. You go catch a bus, I’ll take care of this.”    
I never thought that one day I would have to plead for something as ridicules as toiletpaper. 
Your sister is standing outside your window. Is she being all ears

It’s obvious that he meant to harm someone, he is unable to be in control of himself. 
I was feeling very uncomfortable when we entered the dark alley.  
This toilet is only for people with a learning disability, including me.  
This bus really piss me of, there aren’t even enough seats!

torsdag 10 april 2014

Bokrecension - Only väg is upp

Bok: Only väg is upp
Författare: Emmy Abrahamsson

Jag har läst boken Only väg is upp. Jag hittade den här boken i en vanlig bokhandel och blev direkt fångad av texten på baksidan. Jag köpte den direkt och satte mig och läste.
I den här boken får vi följa en svensk tjej som nyligen gått ut gymnasiet och vill testa sina vingar genom att flytta till London. Filippa Karlssons dröm om att gå på världens bästa scenskola i London ska äntligen få möjlighet att slå in. När hon först kommer till London fylls hon med glädje om sin framtid som stor skådespelerska, men hennes humör ändras snart när nervositeten inför hennes första uttagning till scenskolan närmar sig. Inte nog med det behöver hon fixa en bostad, ett jobb och försöka skaffa någon vän i den nya staden. En dag träffar Filippa Danny, den snygge rockstjärnan som fångar hennes hjärta med en enda blick. Men är han var han verkar? Varför ljuger Filippa om att hennes mamma dött? Hur gör man det perfekta engelska tet? Och viktigast av allt, kommer Filippa in på Scenskolan och uppfyller sin dröm?
Den här boken var väldigt spännande och fångade verkligen upp en. Det var lätt att fastna och bara vilja fortsätta läsa. En av anledningarna till att jag började läsa den här boken var att jag kände igen mig själv i Filippas situation. Jag själv har länge drömt om att flytta till London och att gå på en scenskola hade ju varit fantastiskt.
Jag har sätt att det finns två uppföljare på den här boken: Stjäla the show och Make it stort. Och jag ser verkligen fram emot att läsa dem båda två för att se hur det går för Filippa.

Meningen med den här boken tror jag är att visa att man ska följa sina drömmar även om det är lite strömt och man stöter på många svåra hinder. Ge inte upp!

Jag ger Only väg is upp 4 av 5 stjärnor


fredag 14 mars 2014

Freedom Writers - Letter

Hello Ms Gruwell

How are you? I'm fine by the way and I just want to say that I've heard about your work an how good you are with your kids. I'm really impressed that you made the sort of worst kids in the school to the best class. I wish all teachers were like you. I think your right about respecting the kids, I think that's
actually the only way to get them to respect and trust you, if you do the same to them.

I just wanted to tell you, do never stop with what you do! You are really good at your job whatever anyone else says. I think you can do something really great! Good luck and have a good life!


tisdag 11 mars 2014

English work about the movie "Freedom writers"

Assignment 2:

I've chosen these questions:

3. Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship?
My answer: I think that if the teacher trusts the students the students will feel like their words and what they think is importent and that they matter. I also think that if the students trust the teacher, the teacher will feel more confident and sure about teaching.

5. How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change?
My answer: The students do different sort of tests and "games" to learn to trust one another. I think that there were a lot of missunderstandings before Ms Gruwell  came. These kids had seen a lot of bad stuff in their lives like death and drugs. So I think that when they were reading they got to see how other peoples lives were. And when they were writing they got to tell their own stories and write what they think about. 

8. Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary?
My answer: I think that Eva liked the book very much, maybe because Anne Franks life reminded her of her own. And because Anne Frank had such a hard life I think that Eva wanted Anne to have a happy ending. 

10. Do you think it’s more important to “protect your own” or do what’s right?
My answer: I think that sometimes it might be hard to do whats right when someone you care about gets problems because of it. But I still think that you should always do what you think is right. 

11. In what ways does Ms. Gruwell’s classroom become a family for the students? Do you have a “family” outside of your actual family?
My answer: The students feel safe in the classroom and I think that wherever you feel safe and you feel like people respect you, that can be your home and the people can be your family. You don't have to be related to be a family.  

16. What did you think about the movie? Motivate your answer!
My answer: It was a really good movie. It made you think about how different people are and how good your life actually is. It's a really good movie when you want to learn about how it can be in other schools and how special everyone is. Everyone has their own story that they want to tell, the only thing you need to do is listen to them.