torsdag 22 november 2012
måndag 19 november 2012
Stekt fisk med potatis
Jag lagade mat med Evelina
• så mycket fisk du vill ha
1 krm salt
1 msk margarin
kokt potatis
Så här gör du:
• Ställ en stekpanna på en platta
• Häll i en klick smör - ta ganska mycket smör för fisken suger åt sig fettet
• Stek sedan fisken på en lagom värme
• När fisken har fått en brun färg så är den klar
• samtidigt kokar du potatisen
• när potatisen är mjuk så är den klar
Även om jag inte gillar fisk så var detta ganska gott :)
onsdag 14 november 2012
Jag va med Samuel
200 g korv
1 gul lök
1 msk margarin
1 msk tomatpuré
1/2 dl vatten
1/2 dl kaffegrädde
1 krm salt
1/2 krm peppar
1 tsk soja
1 gul lök
1 msk margarin
1 msk tomatpuré
1/2 dl vatten
1/2 dl kaffegrädde
1 krm salt
1/2 krm peppar
1 tsk soja
Så här gör du:
• skär korven i 1/2 cm små bitar
• skär korven i 1/2 cm små bitar
• skala och skär löken i små bitar
• smält margarinet i en stekpanna tills det får en ljusbrun färg
• bryn korven och sedan bryner du även löken
• tillsätt tomatpuré
• rör om
• häll sedan i vattnet och grädde
• tillsätt sedan salt, peppar och soja
• låt koka i ca 5 min - rör om hela tiden
• sätt på ännu en platta där du kokar riset
• ta 1/2 dl ris per person
• sätt en kastrull med vatten på plattan
• ha en ganska låg värme och ha locket på hela tiden
• tillsätt salt
• när allt vatten är borta är riset klart
En väldigt god middag ;) och enkel! Det blev riktigt lyckat :D
fredag 9 november 2012
My scary story - first draft
The eyes on fire
In a little green house in London there once lived a thirteen year old boy called Adam. He had brown short hair and blue eyes. He was also quiet tall for his age, he was actually the tallest boy in his class. He lived together with his mum and his dog Lollipop. Adams dad had ran away when Adams mum told him she was pregnant. But Adam didn’t really care about that.
On a tuesday when Adam was going to school, Lollipop was acting very strange. He was barking to the window for no reason. Adam was looking out through the window, but there was nothing there.
Later on Adam went to his friend Lucy. They where always walking to school together. Lucy had been Adams friend sense they where small kids. She had long red hear and she was quiet tall too. Adam told Lucy about what Lollipop did that morning. Lucy had two dogs herself and was an expert on dogs. But she said that she had no idé why Lollipop was acting like that.
The school went on like usual and Adam walked home together with Lucy. He sad goodbye to Lucy when they passed her house and Adam walked to his house. Suddenly Adam felt a shill wind on his face and it sent shivers up and down his spine. It was very strange because it was just the end of the summer and it had been very hot all the time. Adam ran the last meters home.
When he opened the door Lollipop ran out past Adams legs and headed straight to the forest. Adam shouted to Lollipop to come back but he didn’t. Lollipop had been running away before and he had always found his way back home. So Adam didn’t think more about that.
The day went to night and Adam went to bed. He missed not having his dog around so he looked out through the window trying to see if there was any sign of Lollipop. When he was standing there, looking out through the forest he suddenly saw that the moon was very bright that night, it was full moon. He starred at the moon and he thought it was beautiful. Then suddenly the moon turned darker and darker as Adam stood there and watched. Then suddenly it was red! Adam didn’t understand, what was going on?! Then he heard a whispering voice saying ”alone, alone, alone” over and over again. Adam shouted and fall to the floor. His mum came up and asked:
”- Adam! What happened?! Whats wrong?!”
”- The moon! The moon!” he screamed.
”- What? What’s wrong with the moon?” she asked as she was bending down to Adam.
She helped him get up to the bed. Adam looked out through the window again but this time the moon was just like normal and there was no voice.
Adams mum told him that it was only a nightmare but Adam didn’t believe so. He was afraid and confused. That night Adam had a terrible nightmare about the red moon. It was burning and he was all alone, just like the voice sad. Alone, alone! Everything around him disappeared and there was only darkness. He screamed and then he woke up, all sweaty on his back and face.
Adams mum was worried about Adam and asked him if he didn’t want to stay home that day, but Adam didn’t want that. He was just worried that he would fall back to sleep and have that terrible nightmare.
Lollipop wasn’t back yet and today Lucy was ill so Adam had to walk all by himself to school. In class Adam couldn’t concentrate because he was thinking about the dream, the moon, Lollipop and how the next night would be!
When he walked home after school he felt the same shill wind as yesterday, but this time he saw something! It was a shadow behind his house. Adam ran as fast as he could but when he came close to the house, noone was there. Adam was scared stiff, something wasn’t right here! But he didn’t understand what!
Adam fell asleep on the sofa while he was watching TV that night. His mum had tucked him in and Adam had been sleeping very well. When he woke up at 3 AM he wasn’t that afraid anymore and he went up to his room to sleep in his own bed. But he was still worried about his dog Lollipop and he looked out though the window again. The forest was very light because of the bright moon, then suddenly the light on the forest went slightly red and it started to burn. Adams eyes slipped to the red moon, the moon was on FIRE!! Adam was terrified!! He wanted to escape from it but he couldn’t. Because there was nowhere to escape. Everything around him was gone. He tried to scream and shout to his mum but noone could hear him. The only thing he saw was the red moon, like a big burning ball. Then there was that voice again ALONE, ALONE! Adam screamed! He felt so much pain inside himself! It was like his heart was on fire and he was all alone!
The other day Lucy was getting ready for school. But just when she walked out through the door she saw a little dog sitting on the stares outside her house.
”- Hi Lollipop, what are you doing here?” Lucy asked the little dog.
Then Lollipop started to run and bark, he wanted Lucy to come with him. Lucy ran after Lollipop and they came to Adams house. The door was open and the dog ran in. Lucy went inside too.
”- Adam!”, she called. She walked upstairs to Adams room. ”Adam?”
Lucy opened the door to Adams room and she saw Adam lying on the floor with his face down. Everything around the room was destroyed or was lying on the floor. She ran close to Adam and lift him up and there was Adams face staring back at her with red, burning eyes.
torsdag 25 oktober 2012
Köttfärsås och spagetti
jag jobbade med Benjamin
Så här gör du
• Sätt en kastrull på en platta och fräs en klick smör
• hacka en halv lök och två vitlökar
• häll i löken i kastullen, låt det fräsa tills löken blir ljusgul
• hacka bacon
• häll i bacon i kastrullen och 1 kg köttfärs
• blanda tills den känns bra
• blir den för torr häll i lite vatten
• Ställ en kastrull på en platta
• häll i vatten, salt, matolja
• vänta tills det börjar koka
• häll sedan i en näve spagetti
• låt spagettin koka ett tag och häll den sedan i en sil
• lägg i lite smör om du vill
Sedan redo för servering!
En super god måltid! :D
lördag 20 oktober 2012
Kanel och Vanilj bullar
Jag jobbade med Daniel
Sätt ugnen på 250°
Så här gör du:
50 g margarin - smältes i en kastrull på ugnen
2 dl mjölk - hälls i kastrullen tills 45 grader
2 tsk jästpulver - i bunke
• Häll mjölken och smöret i bunken
Blanda i :
1/2 dl socker
1 krm salt
4 1/2 dl mjöl - häll i mer ifall det behövs
• Blanda tills degen släpper från bunken
• Låt degen jäsa - 10 min
• Ta upp degen ur bunken och knåda ut den på en mjölad bänk
• kavla ut degen till en rektangel
Fyllning 1:
4 msk margarin
4 msk socker
2 tsk kanel
Fyllning 2:
4 msk margarin
4 msk socker
2 tsk vaniljsocker
• smeta ut den ena fyllningen på halva degen och andra fyllningen på den andra halvan
• gör knytningar - lägg på plåt med smörpapper och låt jäsa - ca 10 min
• stoppa in i ugnen
Goda bullar med mycket fyllning ;)
måndag 15 oktober 2012
Book 2 - English work
Book 2 Countdown to midnight - Caroline Laidlaw
The book I’ve read is called Countdown to midnight. It all begun in December 1 on a friday in Australia. And a boy called Joe came home to begin his holidays. Joe was nearly sixteen years old. Joe had never been in Australia during the winter.
He lived with his dad, mum and little sister Vicky. His mum and sister where in England but was soon to come home. So it was only Joe and his dad, but his dad was very busy. He worked on SFC (Satellites For Communication). Joe was very interested in computers and space but his dad never explained anything to him. Joes dad was always talking to Joe like if he was a kid, but Joe wasn’t a kid anymore.
When Joes dad came he wasn’t alone, Dr Kerr (Joes dads assistant) came to stay for dinner. They were talking about there work and Joe also wanted to be in the conversation, but his dad just told him to go to his room.
Joe woke up in the middle of the night (at 03.00), he was so hot. He walked down to get some water and saw his father sitting by his computer. Joe wanted to say something to his dad but he didn’t know what to say, so he walked up to his room again. Then he heard a sound from the outside, he looked out through the window and saw his dad who has changing the direction of the satellite! Joe couldn’t understand why his dad was doing that in the middle of the night.
When Joe woke up the other day he got downstairs but his dad wasn’t there. But Joe found some words on his dads desk. So Joe called his friends and told them that they should have a meeting and find out where Joes dad was.
At the same time Joes dad woke up in a strange room, he was tide to a chair and his right arm was just hanging down towards the ground, it was broken. Then a strange man came into the room. He started to ask Joes dad about the secret code that would change the satellites direction out in space. Joes dad refused but then another man came into the room, a man that Joes dad remembered. It was Dr Kerr, Joes dads assistant.
Dr Kerr told him that he had always wanted the code from Joes dad. Dr Kerr wanted to start a war out in space!
Joe had called his friends and they had decided that something wasn’t right. They had found Joes dads car at the beach and it was lit in the little house on an Island not far away from the beach. Could Joes dad be in there? Are Joe going to find and save his dad and will Joes dad give the codes to Dr Kerr?
onsdag 10 oktober 2012
Bikarbonats bullar :P
Jag jobbade med Sandra
Sätt ugnen på: 175- 200°
Så här gör du:
• Blanda alla torra ingredienser i en bunke
- 1 dl grahamsmjöl
- 1 1/2 dl vetemjöl
- 1/2 dl grovt rågmjöl
- 1/2 tsk salt
- 1/2 dl solroskärnor
- 1/4 dl linfrön
- 1/4 dl torkade aprikoser - om man vill (lägg inte i dem än)
- 1/2 tsk bikarbonat
• Blanda resten i en annan bunke
- 2 1/2 dl filmjölk
- 2 1/2 msk sirap
• Blanda sedan i ingredienserna från den torra bunken (lite i taget) i bunken med filmjölk och sirap
- blanda
• Hacka aprikoserna och blanda i dem - om man ska ha aprikoser
• Klicka sedan ut smeten i lagom stora klickar på en plåt med bakplåtspapper
• Grädda i ca 15 - 20 min - de skall inte vara kladdiga när dem är klara
Dem blev fina och goda :D
måndag 1 oktober 2012
Book 1 - English work
Book 1 Murder at Mortlock Hall - Donald Dallas
The book I have read is called Murder at Mortlock Hall. It’s a detective story about a murder at the hotel Mortlock Hall. The character of this story is a man called Trevor Marshall, he is the one who owes the hotel.
Trevor Marshall planes to build a bigger hotel but that means that Mark French who lives in the grounds under the hotel with his father will have to leave his home.
Mark tries to talk to Marshall but it doesn’t work, Marshall have already made up his mind. When Mark leaves Marshalls office he says that he is going to kill Marshall if he does this.
Some minutes later a women who lives on the hotel, Miss Ann Lang, comes to talk to Marshall to see if his alright. Then Marshall gets a phone call from a man called Archie Crow. He nervously leaves miss Lang in the office and he takes the call.
Archie Crow is a man who has just come out from prison, Mr Marshall and Archie worked together with an ”afear” and then Archie went to prison beacuse of it but Marshall took all the money and got away safe.
Archie told Marshall that he wanted his money back or he would kill Marshall. And Marshall felt more frettend when he noticed that his own chauffeur Duncan Duff was working for Archie now.
Marshall was very nervous when he got down to eat dinner, and the people on the hotel went very worried for him. Then Pierre Sachs who was Marshalls own brother-in-law, came and Sachs was very worried. He came and told Marshall that he needed money to help his wife Joan, Marshalls sister, who was very sick. Marshall refused, but Sachs took a hold on Marshalls arm and then Marshall hit Sachs in the face. Sachs whispered ”I’m going to kill Marshall for this” when Marshall was walking to his office.
Now three man has told Marshall they are going to kill him and some minutes after that Marshall had walked away from Sachs, a shout was heard from Marshalls room and there was Marshall in his chair with a bullet in his chest, dead.
torsdag 27 september 2012
Jag lagade mat med Razvan
sätt plattan på 6:an
Så här gör du:
1 lök
1 morot
2 rödbetor
1 klyfta vitkål
• skölj, skala och skär grönsakerna
• ta bara 1/2 bit av löken
• riv med rivjärn
• smält matfett i en kastrull, fräs de strimlade grönsakerna i några min
• rör om
• tillsätt buljong och peppar
• låt det sjuda i ca 15 min
• hämta en till rödbeta, skala osv.
• riv med rivjärn
• låt den puttra i ca 5 min till
• häll i salt
Resultat: God soppa ;)
tisdag 25 september 2012
English dialogue with Sandra
Me and Sandra made a dialuge about some words from a news program that we have recorded and here is the video.
måndag 17 september 2012
15 sentences - med Benjamin
• In the paralympics there are people who might not have any arms or are blind, they can play disabled sports. - Benjamin
• In the parliament there are important people. - Nathalie
• I wear underpants. - Benjamin
• People with physical disabilities can't do the same things as other people. - Nathalie
• In the olympics they lit a big fire with a torch. - Benjamin
• In the Paralympics they have to perform really good to be in the games. - Nathalie
• Usain Bolt is the worlds fastest running man. - Benjamin
• India is going to abolish death penalty. - Nathalie
• Judges can sentence people to death. - Nathalie
• Some flowers are very rare. - Nathalie
• People who have done bad things often go to prison. - Benjamin
• You are going to meet the judge in court. - Benjamin
• What is your views and opinions? - Benjamin
• You can get banned for taking something in a store. - Benjamin
torsdag 13 september 2012
Hälsobullar/Rågbullar :D
Jobbade med Moa! :)
Sätt ugnen på 225°
Så här gör du:
25 g margarin - smältes i kastrull
2 dl mjölk - hälls i kastrullen, värms till 37 °
2 tsk torr jäst - hälls i en bunke
• häll mjölken i bunken - blanda med en träslev
2 krm salt
1 msk sirap
2 tsk kummin - om man vill (gjorde inte vi)
1/2 dl rågflingor
1/2 dl krossad råg
2 dl rågsikt
2-2 dl vetemjöl
• allt blandas i bunken
• knåda degen på ett mjölat bakbord
• låt degen jäsa i ca 10 min
• ta fram en plåt med smörpapper
• knåda degen till en korv - dela upp i små bollar som läggs på plåten
• låt bullarna jäsa i ca 10 min
• ställ in plåten i ugnen ca 10 min
ca 13 goa rågbullar ;)
fredag 7 september 2012
Grammar exercises
This period you got a new teacher and that is me; Lena. When I studied to become a teacher, I studied at a university in the Northern
parts of Sweden. I enjoyed living there and I had an enormous
luck, finding a place to live.
That was the best time of my life, because I could go to the
movies even if it was an ordinary Tuesday and I could go
exercising at 9 o'clock in the mornings. Me and my friend Helena were always going to a place called IKSU to exercise. We were not alone. There were thousands of other
students going there too.
I have never regretted that I studied to become a teacher.
My friend, Helena, also studied to become a teacher but now she has changed her mind and is now working as a librarian.
That thought has never crossed my mind.
So, I won't tell you more about my years in Umeå which I enjoyed so much. Instead I will tell you about my family. I have a
son and a daughter who are five and eight years old. My
son likes to play a computer game which is called World
of tanks. We also have a dog which is black and which likes to lay in the middle of the sun during the
summer. We also have a cat. And four sheep. And ten fish. And I have
a husband who likes to chop firewood.
torsdag 6 september 2012
Jag bakade med Clara
sätt ugnen på 300 °
Så här gör du:
2 tsk torrgäst - i en bunke
1 msk margarin - smältes i kastrull
2 dl mjölk - blandas med smöret
• blanda i allt i bunken när det uppnått 37 °
1/2 tsk salt
1 msk sirap
6 dl vetemjöl
• degen får jäsa 10 - 15 min
• 2 bakplåtar - med bakplåts- papper
1 tsk bakpulver - strö över degen
• knåda degen till 2 bollar
• låt degen jäsa i 10 - 15 min
• kavla ut degen med en vanlig kavel, sedan en kavel med piggar.
• in med brödet i ugnen - ca 2-3 min
Bröden blev goda och lite fluffiga, för bästa resultat ska man kavla degen så att den blir riktigt platt i annat fall så blir den lite för tjock.
Smakade väldigt gott med smör till ;)
måndag 3 september 2012
There is/ there are ?
Vad har jag lärt mig om "There is" och "There are"?
• "there is" använder man när det är en sak.
när man kan sätta det finns framför.
•"there are" använder man när det är flera saker.
när man kan sätta det är framför.
fredag 31 augusti 2012
torsdag 30 augusti 2012
Idag gjorde vi tigerkaks-muffins och jag jobbade med Sandra
sätt ugnen på 225 °
Du behöver:
50 g margarin - smält på platta
2 1/2 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
2 ägg
1 1/2 dl socker
1/2 dl mjölk
bunke 1:
2 tsk vaniljsocker
bunke 2:
2 msk kakao
1 msk vaniljsocker
Så här gör du:
1. Du blandar ihop allt i två olika bunkar
2. du häller sedan i all smeten i muffins-formar på en plåt
3. låt dem grädda i ca 15 min
Muffinsen blev goda och snygga!!
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