måndag 26 maj 2014

Gatukonst av Nathalie

Vi har arbetat med gatukonst i Adobe Photoshop på våra datorer.

Först tänkte jag på vad jag skulle ha för bakgrund. Vår lärare föreslog något som såg tråkigt ut, som en grå byggnad eller något liknande. Jag kom på idén att göra något på skolan, för den ser så tråkig ut. Jag kom sen på idén att det skulle vara en liten gubbe som höll på att måla skolan i fina färger.
Så sen fick vi gå ut och fota bakgrunder. Då tog jag ett kort på en vanlig neutral vägg på skolan.
Sen började jag skissa på min bild. Clara kom på idén att jag skulle måla en gubbe som gick under stegen och eftersom det betyder otur så skulle en målarburk falla emot honom. Då händer det något i bilden och det är lite roligt.
Sen tog jag kort på min bild jag målat och förde in den i datorn tillsammans med min bakgrund.
Sen var det dags att börja pilla ihop det hela. Jag färglade stegen och de målade brickorna i datorn och fixade konturer. Det var lite pillit men det blev rätt så bra.
Och resultatet på det hela ser du på bilden ovan.

Detta var en rolig uppgift och jag blev nöjd med resultatet.

tisdag 6 maj 2014

My thoughts about ww2

A lot of thoughts has been brought up in my head after all this that we’ve seen and listened to about the world war two. I’ve started to think more about how to treat people. To respect them for who they are because during that war a lot of people got killed for being different. I think that what happened was terrible. I hope nothing like that happens ever again. I can’t really understand how anybody can be as heartless as Hitler and the people who followed him. But one thing that makes me even more disappointed isn’t just that Hitler was such a terrible person, it is that people actually agreed with him! And it wasn’t just like 10 people it was hundreds and thousands! 
But I’m really happy that there were people who stood up for what they thought and that they actually tried to help the Jews and all the other people who suffered from everything during the world war two. 

tisdag 29 april 2014

Sentences from Anne frank by Nathalie and Moa

Can you fetch the rake in the annexe for me please?
I heard something from the attic and I think it was a big, fat rat. 
I’m going to the warehouse to buy some cucumber, see you later aligator!  
Many people died in the concentration camps during world war 2. 
I was downtown this morning and I got a ration book from a really nice woman. 
Tomorrow I’m going to buy a pink bookcase with yellow flowers on it and put it in the living room.
I’m going to store the big watermelon into the top of the fridge.
Did you buy the store with umbrellas and lollipops, are you crazy? 

tisdag 22 april 2014

English sentences

”Can you pass me that blanket, please. It’s in my closet
”Why didn’t you reveal this to me earlier, I had the right to know!”
I was almost at the point of crying when a man came and told me I had got evicted  
During my shower I noticed that somebody was standing in my garden. 
”This is only a current situation. You go catch a bus, I’ll take care of this.”    
I never thought that one day I would have to plead for something as ridicules as toiletpaper. 
Your sister is standing outside your window. Is she being all ears

It’s obvious that he meant to harm someone, he is unable to be in control of himself. 
I was feeling very uncomfortable when we entered the dark alley.  
This toilet is only for people with a learning disability, including me.  
This bus really piss me of, there aren’t even enough seats!

torsdag 10 april 2014

Bokrecension - Only väg is upp

Bok: Only väg is upp
Författare: Emmy Abrahamsson

Jag har läst boken Only väg is upp. Jag hittade den här boken i en vanlig bokhandel och blev direkt fångad av texten på baksidan. Jag köpte den direkt och satte mig och läste.
I den här boken får vi följa en svensk tjej som nyligen gått ut gymnasiet och vill testa sina vingar genom att flytta till London. Filippa Karlssons dröm om att gå på världens bästa scenskola i London ska äntligen få möjlighet att slå in. När hon först kommer till London fylls hon med glädje om sin framtid som stor skådespelerska, men hennes humör ändras snart när nervositeten inför hennes första uttagning till scenskolan närmar sig. Inte nog med det behöver hon fixa en bostad, ett jobb och försöka skaffa någon vän i den nya staden. En dag träffar Filippa Danny, den snygge rockstjärnan som fångar hennes hjärta med en enda blick. Men är han var han verkar? Varför ljuger Filippa om att hennes mamma dött? Hur gör man det perfekta engelska tet? Och viktigast av allt, kommer Filippa in på Scenskolan och uppfyller sin dröm?
Den här boken var väldigt spännande och fångade verkligen upp en. Det var lätt att fastna och bara vilja fortsätta läsa. En av anledningarna till att jag började läsa den här boken var att jag kände igen mig själv i Filippas situation. Jag själv har länge drömt om att flytta till London och att gå på en scenskola hade ju varit fantastiskt.
Jag har sätt att det finns två uppföljare på den här boken: Stjäla the show och Make it stort. Och jag ser verkligen fram emot att läsa dem båda två för att se hur det går för Filippa.

Meningen med den här boken tror jag är att visa att man ska följa sina drömmar även om det är lite strömt och man stöter på många svåra hinder. Ge inte upp!

Jag ger Only väg is upp 4 av 5 stjärnor


fredag 14 mars 2014

Freedom Writers - Letter

Hello Ms Gruwell

How are you? I'm fine by the way and I just want to say that I've heard about your work an how good you are with your kids. I'm really impressed that you made the sort of worst kids in the school to the best class. I wish all teachers were like you. I think your right about respecting the kids, I think that's
actually the only way to get them to respect and trust you, if you do the same to them.

I just wanted to tell you, do never stop with what you do! You are really good at your job whatever anyone else says. I think you can do something really great! Good luck and have a good life!


tisdag 11 mars 2014

English work about the movie "Freedom writers"

Assignment 2:

I've chosen these questions:

3. Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship?
My answer: I think that if the teacher trusts the students the students will feel like their words and what they think is importent and that they matter. I also think that if the students trust the teacher, the teacher will feel more confident and sure about teaching.

5. How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change?
My answer: The students do different sort of tests and "games" to learn to trust one another. I think that there were a lot of missunderstandings before Ms Gruwell  came. These kids had seen a lot of bad stuff in their lives like death and drugs. So I think that when they were reading they got to see how other peoples lives were. And when they were writing they got to tell their own stories and write what they think about. 

8. Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary?
My answer: I think that Eva liked the book very much, maybe because Anne Franks life reminded her of her own. And because Anne Frank had such a hard life I think that Eva wanted Anne to have a happy ending. 

10. Do you think it’s more important to “protect your own” or do what’s right?
My answer: I think that sometimes it might be hard to do whats right when someone you care about gets problems because of it. But I still think that you should always do what you think is right. 

11. In what ways does Ms. Gruwell’s classroom become a family for the students? Do you have a “family” outside of your actual family?
My answer: The students feel safe in the classroom and I think that wherever you feel safe and you feel like people respect you, that can be your home and the people can be your family. You don't have to be related to be a family.  

16. What did you think about the movie? Motivate your answer!
My answer: It was a really good movie. It made you think about how different people are and how good your life actually is. It's a really good movie when you want to learn about how it can be in other schools and how special everyone is. Everyone has their own story that they want to tell, the only thing you need to do is listen to them.   

måndag 10 mars 2014


Grupp: Clara, Nathalie, Daniel och Razvan

• Hur har vi arbetat?
Samarbetet har varit lite sådär i våran grupp. Vissa har gjort väldigt mycket medan som vissa knappt gjort något. Från början hade vi tänkt vara i en annan grupp och jag tror att vi fått mer gjort om man fick vara med sånna som man vet att man kan jobba med. Men vi fick ändå gjort allting i tid så det var ju bra.

• Hur har jag arbetat?
Själv så har jag gjort mitt bästa i detta arbetet. Jag har kommit med idéer, jag och Clara klippte låten och finredigerade. Jag är nöjd med min egna insatts.

•Kunde vi gjort något annorlunda?
Vi kunde kanske lyssnat igenom låten en extra gång så att vi inte haft med något brus och onödigt ljud. Vi kunde delat upp arbetet bättre så att alla gjorde lika mycket.

fredag 7 februari 2014

English work 4

Listen and answer
  1. T  (correct F) 
  2. T (correct F)
  3. F  (correct T)
  4. F  
  5. T
Retell the story
Madonna signed a deal worth about $60 million wich meant that she was the boss of her own company. Later on she wrote a book about herself called sex wich sold very good. It wasn't easy to become a star, it was a hard road to go and Madonna couldn't find andy new stars. It was time for Madonna to get some work partners and one of them was Alanis Morisette from Canada. Her first record had sold very good all over the world. Madonna is a very busy women so to comunicate with her company by the internet. To work today you need to be creative and now how to create a good image. A lot of women has become very successful in business. 

Random writing nr 3

"Something about the rain maybe? Because it rains pretty much!" 
"No! That's not good enough! We need something with feeling!" he said from his chair on the other side of the table. 
"What about... a feeling?" I asked trying to come up with solutions. 
"Then you come up with something better! Every time I say something you say it's not good enough! And I'm sick of it!" I shouted as I stood up and left the table. 
Me and Jerry had been trying to write a song for a competition in school for soon 4 months and none of us could come up with any good ideas. I was tired of him always saying I'm not good enough. 

When I got home I just realized that I already had found my song!
"You make me feel like I'm not good enough." 

tisdag 4 februari 2014

English work 3

Follow up 

Gina Dirawi

Read and remember 

1. Florence Nightingale's parents were rich
2. She was named after a city in Italy.
3. She was born after 1820.
4. One subject Florence learnt at home was Greek.
5. She decided she wanted to do something useful with her life at the age of 12.
6. Most middle-class women at that time didn't have careers.
7. Florence went to Germany to learn about nursing.
8. Crimea was near Turkey.
9. Florence went there with a team of between 35-40 nurses.
10. While Florence was there she made the military hospitals cleaner and safer.
11. Her nickname was "The lady with the lamp".
12. People from all over the world asked Florence for her advice on designing hospitals.
13. Florence was 90 when she died.  

söndag 2 februari 2014

Vegetarisk lasagne

50 g riven ost
1 gul lök
krossade tomater
lasagne plattor
salt och peppar

Ändringar i receptet:
Vi hade varken keso eller några lasagne plattor så vi tog istället cream fresh och spagetti (som vi kokade medan som såsen koka)

Så här gör du: 
• Sätt ugnen på 225°
• Hacka löken i små bitar
• Smörj en lagom stor form
• Blanda löken med de krossade tomaterna och basilikan
• Låt det koka i ca 5 min och rör om lite grann
• När såsen är klar lägg i lite i formen, lägg sedan på lasagne plattor (spagetti..), keso (cream frech) och  lite riven ost
• Fortsätt så tills du kommit till toppen och lägg ost högst upp
• ställ in i ugnen i ca 20 min

Ha inte i någon köttfärs, annars blir det inte vegetariskt!

Se till att ha allt som behövs hemma!
Kom ihåg att lägga SÅS i botten, inte plattorna... som vi gjorde
Ta mycket ost, det blir gott!

Jag jobbade med Samuel i kök nr 3 och våran syssla var att byta soppåse

Jag blev faktiskt väldigt nöjd med lasagnen! Det blev gott och den såg rätt god ut och jag tycker att vi löste problemen som uppstod väldigt bra.

fredag 31 januari 2014

My opinion about the book assignment

1. What is your opinion about having a reading assignment at home for three weeks? What do you think and why?
I'm sure it's a good way of learning English. But the thing about me and reading is that I want to read when I feel like to, I don't like to be forst to read. But one thing I don't like about it is that it's not very fair with what different books everyone have. My book isn't very thick but not very small either. But some have lik a book with maybe 100 pages and someone maybe has 400 pages, it's not that fair I think.  

2. If I would have a peek on your word list in Memrise, about how many word would I find?
I think their are about 9 words but I have some that I hav written down on a paper but haven't had time to put them up on Memrise  yet. 

English work madonna 2

Find the translations 

1. New York är inte ett ställe för någon utan pengar.
translation: New York is no place for someone with no money.

2. Madonna har alltid sett till att hon har kontroll över sitt liv.
translation: Madonna has always made sure that she is in control of her life. 

3. Det var inte bra nog för Madonna.
translation: This wasn't good enough for Madonna. 

4. Snart skrev hon och spelade in sina egna låtar.
translation: Soon she was writing and recording her own songs. 

5. Men dagarna med snabba bilar blev långa. heta dagar vid poolen varar inte länge.
translation: But the days of fast cars and long hot days by the swimming pool don't last long. 

Check the words 
a) The opposite of succeed is fail - Misslyckas
b) Pop stars have to have talent and the right image to be successful - bild/intryck
c) They decided to print 20.000 copies of the book - trycka
d) sign a deal for $60 million - överenskommelse
e) record label - skivmärke
f) What's inside the box? What does the box contain - innehålla
g) cover - omslag
h) The record company was confident that the CD would sell millions of copies - självsäker
i) If you go to London, you can get a opportunity to speak English - tillfälle
j) The company had sales of over $300 million - försäljnings(siffror)

tisdag 28 januari 2014

English work-Madonna

Read an answer
1. B
correct answer: A

2. C
correct answer: B

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. C

1. She was nineteen years old

2. Her lastname is Ciccone

3.  a) become a star b) become rich

4. An ordinary family

5. Her hometown was Pontiac in Michigan

6. She didn't have much money when she got to New York

7. b) she worked in restaurants and bars
c) she sometimes didn't have enough money to buy food
e) she lived in some very bad areas of New York

8. She learnt to sing and play musical instruments

9. False-she taught herself to write music

10. In 1982 she was offered a recording contract after a record company heard her song "Everybody"

11. False-most people in US and the rest of the world didn't notice the song

fredag 24 januari 2014

The sisterhood of the traveling pants

Carmen, Tibby, Bridget and Lena are four friends who have known each other since they were born. Because they were all born i the end of the summer, in September. And so their mums went to a class in aerobics for pregnant women together. And after that they met with their daughters and then their daughters got really close.
It was summer and everyone was going on different vacations. Tibby was really nervous. The girls were trying to calm her down but she didn't want them to. Then she saw a pair of old jeans on Carmens bed. She said that she wanted them and because Carmen bought them in a secondhand-shop, she didn't really care. But Bridget said that they'd never fit Tibby because Tibby and Carmen doesn't have the same sort of body building. But Tibby tried them on and they were perfect. So Lena tried them and she looked stunning. And then Bridget who also looked great and last but not least they wanted Carmen to try them. They all thought it was a miracle that they had fit almost all of them so they just wanted it confirmed that these were really magic pants. But Carmen was worried that they wouldn't fit her, because of her big butt. But finally she tried them on and as she did all of her friends got paralyzed of happiness. Carmen thought because they didn't say anything, she looked awful but then they told her to look herself in the mirror and she also saw it. The paint fit perfect!
So the girls came up with the idea that they were going to use the pants one at a time for about a week and then send it to the next girl through out the hole summer. They also came up with some special rules wich you had to follow while wearing the pants.    

So the girls went separate ways, Lena went to Greece to visit her grandparents along with her little sister Effie. Her grandmother wanted to celebrate their arrival with a small party with some neighbors and friends and at the same time she wanted to intrigues Lena to a guy in her age called Kostos, but Lena doesn't like romance. 
Bridget has left to a warm place, I don't really remember were, but she meets som girls and they spend the night on the beach. She also sees a guy in a football team and she falls for him directly. 
Carmen was gonna spend this summer at her dads house. She only meet her dads in christmas som she was really looking forward to it. But when her dad was gonna show her his house there is a women and an eighteen year old boy and a girl in Carmens age in the house. Carmens dad was going to mary the women and he hadn't told Carmen anything. 
Tibby is the only one who is home for the summer and she is working in a shop. We haven't followed Tibby that much yet, but  I think she's working in a shop. Because a 10 year old girl fell into a perymid av roll'ons that Tibby had built. 
The girls are all sending letters to each other and Lena  has the pants. 

I think they are going to continue writing letters to each other. And also send the "magical" pants to one another. 

Best of Newsreel 2013

1.  B. beef
2.  It was found in a Lasagne
3.  25
4. false
5. C close to the finish line
6. ??
7. fortunite
8. Scotland
9. A MTV Video Music awards
10. She cut her hear and were strange clothes
11. official
12. True
13. ??
14. Sumalia
15. ??
16. B 2012
17. November
18. winds...waves
19. Cambra
20. False

Random writing number 2

An envelope was laying on my bed. One single white envelope. It was adressed to me but I never got letters. When I think about it I don't think I've ever got one in my entire life. I sat on my bed. I looked down on the envelope. It was brown and had signs of drops on it. Was it raindrops? It hadn't rained here in days. Was it teardrops?
I felt a chill wind and looked up on my window. Suddenly the wind went harder and I watched my letter fly out threw my opened window. I tried to catch it but it was to late. It was gone.
I sat on my bed and thought abaout the envelope. What did it say. Then I saw something outside my window. First I thought it was a bird then I realised it was a letter, my letter! I looked out and somehow I saw that it was, opening itself! I didn't understand anything but couldn't take my eyes from it. Suddenly the letter inside through itself at my window. There was the text: "Midnight, on the bridge. Come alone."

Random writing number 1

It was last summer. The rain was falling down like a waterfall on the streets of London. I were my old red jacket wich was good against rain but very cold. I was heading to the busstation. The day was finally here. Or I don't know if I'm supposed to say finally. Have I looked forward to this? Do I really want to move away from my home. I was looking down at the ground as I was passing by the big houses and stores in the city. If I only could stay one more week, just one more. So I could say goodbye to everyone.
I couldn't do anything else but stop when I was passing by her house. Should I go inside or not.
"What if she's not home" I thought as I opened the big brown door and went inside. The smell of carrot and dust fill my nose and I shook of the rain from my black hair. I went up the stairs and looked for door number 11. I knocked at the door and a girl in a blue dress opened.
"I daren't stay long. I just had to see you" I said with shaking lips and one tear slowly dropping down from  my eye.

torsdag 16 januari 2014

Morotsbiffar med Potatisplättar

Idag fick vi själva välja vad vi ville göra med köttfärs. Så vi letade upp recept på köttfärs och potatisplättar.

Recept Köttfärs
2 msk ströbröd
3 msk vatten
1 msk riven gul lök
150 gram köttfärs
2 krm salt
1/2 krm peppar
1/2 ägg=2msk

Vi lade till morötter och sen rullade vi färsen till 4 små biffar

Recept potatisplättar
2 kokta potatisar
1 1/2 ägg
1 1/2 dl mjöl
3 dl mjölk
1/2 tsk salt
1/4 tsk vitpeppar

Egentligen så är detta bara halva receptet för vi ville bara ha till 2 potioner

 Viktigt att tänka på
Gör inte för lite potatis och se till att koka potatisen tidigt

Råd och tips 
Tänk på tiden!!!

Jag jobbade med Moa!! :D Och vi var i kök 5 och vår syssla var sopa golvet

Biffarna blev bäst, de blev godast!
Det såg inte så gott ut men det smakade bättre.
Det blev inte riktigt som vi tänkt. Biffarna blev små och plättarna såg ut som små pannkakor.

Moa har ingen dator för den är pajj så denna bloggningen gäller henne med!!! :D 

tisdag 14 januari 2014

English work

Can parents do anything to protect their child? 
Yes I think so. But of course all parents are different. If a parent loves it's kid maybe he or she could do anything because most parents want whats best for their kids but I don't think it's good to do anything to protect their kids. Everyone needs to learn how to protect themselves. And of course parents can't make their kids think that they can do anything and that their parents will just think it's ok. 

5 things I want to accomplish in 2014
1. I want to save money for a tablet because when we go home for the summer holiday this year I'm gonna leave my computer and then I need something else. And I think it would be fun to have. 
2. I want to get a summer job because I want to start collecting my own money because next year I won't get money for being a child on the summer so I need to get my own and if I start working now I will have better chances of getting one next year I think.
3. I want to get better on guitar because this Christmas I got one. 
4. I want to train more, maybe go out and run and dance and stuff. 
5. I want to have fun!!! 

fredag 10 januari 2014

Three words


I think that Experience is very good, you need it. But maybe there are somethings I wish I didn't have that much experience about. But of course Experience is important. 

There are different sorts of Beauty. I think that it's important for you to see the Beauty in everything. Not only on the outside but also on the inside. 

I think everyone likes to Succeed in what your doing. I think it's important to be a little successful but not to much. I think that Success is important in my life, but not to much 

I think the words I found are good and I don't think I wanted to change them.