tisdag 10 december 2013

What I've learned about Christmas

Today we talked about Christmas an I learned some new stuff.

I learned that Christmas balls are called Ornaments, I had never heard that word before.

I also learned that a very long time ago they didn't really now which date was the date of Jesus birth, some thought it was like 10th of june. But like some hundred years ago they made the sulution that it was 25th of December.

The Christmas tree was something that a family used to celebrate som woman a long time ago. And then when the world saw about that in the newspapers some other families started doing it to and now it's a Christmas tradition.

And also Sancta Claus was from the begining just a very nice man who gave gifts to people, he's name has Sinct Nicholas I think, so then they made the Sancta Claus as a gift-man.

måndag 9 december 2013

Min bild - skissat

Av Nathalie 9B
Jag har börjat skissa på min bild. Jag är för mestadels färdig för att måla. Jag ska nästa lektion börja måla med Akvarell färger. Jag kommer nog inte bli färdig men ska göra så gott jag kan.

Min bild föreställer en knuten hand och ur den sticker det ut lite avbrutna grenar, ett trasigt paraply och lite vatten. På himlen finns en massa åskmoln med lite blixtrar.